The Gwilliams Laboratory of Speech Neuroscience (GLySN Lab) is located in the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute of Stanford University. We bring together insight from Psychology, Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Linguistics and Medicine in order to understand the neural underpinnings of speech comprehension. Drawing upon different areas of expertise fosters rich and innovative reasoning, expands and advances analytical approaches, and promotes parsimonious explanations that satisfy multiple angles of constraint. We believe that breakthroughs in language research will be borne from the intentional coalition across these scientific disciplines.
How does the brain transform sound into meaning?
This is the big question that guides our research at the Laboratory of Speech Neuroscience. We believe that by identifying the neural representations, operations, and information flow, it will be possible to uncover the computational architecture that supports speech processing in the human brain.
Language is central to human life. Although using language feels like an automatic and effortless process, the brain needs to overcome significant computational challenges to successfully listen, understand, and verbally respond. Our lab aims to uncover the ‘neural algorithm’ that supports this complex linguistic behavior – that is, to identify what neural representations and cognitive operations the brain employs to achieve successful speaking and listening. Language is a central pillar of intelligence, and discovering its fundamental algorithmic underpinnings provides a window into the complexities of the human mind and its capacity for communication, reasoning, logic, and understanding.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
All scientific spaces, and all scientific topics, should be accessible to all. We still face a huge discrepancy in the individuals who have the resources and opportunities and representation to even consider academia as a viable career. Change needs to be intentional, and it needs to happen at every opportunity and career stage.
Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
450 Jane Stanford Way
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
Check out our lab manual to see how the GLySN lab operates!
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